About the event
Facilitated over four consecutive weeks, this is a connected series of workshops for bereaved parents and carers to meet and share stories of their bereavement journey.
During the workshop we will use narrative techniques and refer to Dr Joanne Cacciatore’s book ‘Bearing the Unbearable’. This structured workshop is designed to support healing, meaning making, and connection in your bereavement.
Four week program outline
- Week 1 – Introduction to other parents and carers, you will be invited to share stories about your child and their journey, as well as hear about the experiences of others. Participants are gifted a copy of ‘Bearing the Unbearable’ by Dr Joanne Cacciatore, a psychotherapist and bereaved mother. This book will be referred to in the following weeks. Learn more here.
- Week 2 – Further time to share and learn about the experiences of bereaved parents and carers. You can explore how people navigate or cope with bereavement and how this has or might change over time.
- Week 3 – Discussion about creating a space for making meaning and continuing connection with your child and an introduction to a practical and therapeutic way to do this privately.
- Week 4 – Reflection on learning and sharing experiences of bereavement, and how to promote meaning and connection in day-to-day life.
Sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings from 16 July to 6 August.
Please RSVP by Friday 21 June here. If you can’t attend these dates but are interested in attending the workshop at some other time, please register your interest in the link.
For more information please contact Andrew Martell at amartell@vsk.org.au or 0417 543 514 or Damienne Mor at dmor@vsk.org.au or 0487 523 155.