Our Space – online bereaved sibling group
April 28, 2023
NOTE – this is a private event for children and families supported by Very Special Kids.
We invite all 5 to 12 year old bereaved siblings to drop into our zoom session on the last Thursday of each month.
We know from speaking with many children grief can be a lonely time. ‘Our Space’ has been created to offer opportunity for regular ongoing connection with other children who have experienced the death of a brother of sister. The aim is to provide a safe and caring online space for siblings to gather to have fun, connect and share experiences on a monthly basis, as we have learnt from children how valuable peer support can be.
Future sessions dates are:
- 31 August
- 28 September
- 26 October
- 31 November
Please register your interest with Angela on aflood@vsk.org.au or Meg on mchin@vsk.org.au.
Zoom link will be provided upon expressions of interest.