A top fundraiser – OHM’s Scott Goodwin

Scott Goodwin, Director at OHM Chartered Accountants, has been supporting Very Special Kids for years by running their annual OHM Golf Day, raising amazing funds. This year Scott has taken it up a notch further and will be participating in the 24 Hour Treadmill Challenge with his team from OHM, and he is one amazing captain! So far OHM’s fundraising efforts have been incredibly successful, so we decided to ask him a few questions:

Can you share some of your fundraising tips with us? 

We try to cover various communication channels through e-mails, LinkedIn and Facebook to advertise the event. We have a team from the office participating and everyone has individualised their profile on ‘Everyday Hero’ to help personalise the event to their network.  We have great relationships with our clients and professional partners which widens our available network and they have been great supporters of our efforts with Very Special Kids.  Lastly some staff members are advertising through their e-mail signatures and OHM as a business are also ‘matching the first $200 of donations’ each team member receives.

This is your first year participating in the 24 Hour Treadmill Challenge, what are you/your team most excited about?

We are a firm of accountants so we are pretty excited to get out of the office, get some fresh air and a bit of exercise!  It is also a great opportunity to be part of a fun community event and bond as a team.

What advice do you have for other treadmill participants trying to raise funds?

It is a marathon not a sprint! Try to advertise to your network regularly and don’t burn out in the first week. Make sure you provide plenty of details about the amazing work Very Special Kids does to encourage donations.  Most importantly don’t be afraid to ask the question- if you don’t ask you won’t receive. Lastly don’t forget to thank people for their donations.

We’re so grateful to have the support of a great man and company, we can’t wait to see what they achieve by the end!