A weekend to remember and reflect
August 4, 2017

Contradicting the natural cycle of life, the death of a child can be the most profound loss for a family. The recent Very Special Kids Bereaved Parent Weekend held in Templestowe gave parents the opportunity to explore the impact of their child’s death in a safe and affirming space.
17 parents supported by Very Special Kids came together for a weekend that included therapeutic activities and the sharing of special memories.
Family Support Practitioner Kevin said the supportive environment helped parents bond with one another.
“The parents, most of whom did not know each other prior to the weekend, bonded so well, were so respectful and supportive of one another.
For the parents it was a therapeutic, nurturing and sacred experience as they shared memories of their children, the pain they felt and continue to feel since their passing.”
The weekend enabled parents to take time out to focus on their deceased child/children in a space that was uninterrupted by the routines and demands of everyday life.
It is hoped that by the conclusion of the weekend of reflection and sharing, parents would have learnt some strategies to help them as they move forward in their bereavement.
The Very Special Kids Bereavement Program builds continuing links with bereaved families through a range of activities including Bereaved Parent Weekends and group meetings, Creative Memories craft sessions, Bereaved Sibling Days and the annual Remembrance Day ceremony.