Changing with the seasons

Very Special Kids ‘Seasonal Connections’ program acknowledges the seasonal nature of grief and how family’s individual experiences can change over time. It is a quarterly bereaved family event, which invites Very Special Kids families to participate in a therapeutic bonding activity in memory of their child or sibling.  

To mark the end of summer, the first event was held on Sunday 27 February, families worked together to create immersive artwork using their hands and fingerprints. They also created wind twirls which were hung on the trees to catch in the breeze, creating beautiful art on the lawns of Very Special Kids. 

Seasonal Connections brings bereaved families together four times a year to celebrate the changing seasons. At each event, families can sit on the Very Special Kids bench and capture the season in a portrait with their family. As seasons pass, new portraits and artwork will be created, providing a tangible representation of their growth and change over the season. 

This Very Special Kids program was adapted from a program developed by the Child and Family Bereavement Service in Cardiff, UK (Hillock, Feeney & Rhinehart, 2017). Seasonal Connections aims to expand the Cardiff program’s design to be family-focused, rather than aimed only at siblings. It will allow families to remember and reflect on their grief across changing seasons, while also connecting with other families who understand what it is like. The program acknowledges the seasonal nature of grief and family lifespan changes over time, including unique significant events for each family. 

Bereaved families can join together, share their stories, enjoy an afternoon picnic, play some games and create some beautiful works of art together.  

Very Special Kids welcome bereaved families to join us on 1 May for the golden warmth of the next Seasonal Connection – celebrating autumn.  For more information please contact Bernadette (, Edwina ( or Mei (