Friends or volunteers? We can’t tell the difference!
May 11, 2017
Volunteering is a fundamental part of what Very Special Kids does. We currently have 720 volunteers generously give their time to help support families of children with life-threatening conditions.
Very Special Kids provides three volunteer programs, including Corporate, Family Services and Friends Volunteers. The role of the Friends Volunteers is to provide administration and practical fundraising support, however they often go beyond that.
Liz Gidley, has been a loyal volunteer at Very Special Kids for 9 years now, originally deciding to get involved in order to contribute her spare time to something she felt was important in the community.
“Over the years I have been involved in most fundraising activities, presently helping with the Fashion Sale and 24 Hour Treadmill Challenge.
Knowing that the efforts of volunteers like me directly help with the running of the Hospice and family support is very important to me. I love being of assistance” said Liz.
Lou Cooney, Friends of Very Special Kids Coordinator, explained that the organisation was actually founded by volunteers and wouldn’t have been able to succeed without them.
“People willingly came to help raise money to ensure our organisation grew and continued to support children and their families with life threatening conditions. They also came to work with the kids and very soon we became known as an organisation that had more volunteers than staff” said Lou.
Lou also expressed that the volunteers whom work for the organisation have a willingness to go above and beyond to help those in need. From “working with families to gardening, sewing, administration, making thank you calls, couriering, maintenance, driving giant piggy banks around Victoria, rattling tins and dressing in piggy suits. You name it, they do it!”
Whilst the volunteers certainly work hard and have schedules to follow, Liz explained that she has “so many treasured memories and so much fun!”
Volunteers at Very Special Kids are often long serving and constantly feel compelled to reach out and help their cause.
“I think our volunteers feel a very strong connection to our organisation knowing that we are the only one of its kind in Victoria. They initially think that they are just helping someone else but volunteering is a two way street, you definitely get back more than what you put in” said Lou.
Many volunteers that work with Very Special Kids develop a greater sense of purpose, being appealed “to what the organisation offers to families facing such immensely difficult daily lives” said Liz.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Very Special Kids head to or call (03) 9804 6222.