How would you feel?

Words from Tommy Nicholds, a sibling supported by Very Special Kids 

How would you feel if your sibling couldn’t walk for the rest of their life?

Well, my sister can’t, because she has a brain disease by the name of Ataxia Telangiectasia, also commonly known as A-T.

Over the last year and 3 months my Mum and Amelia, my older sister, have gone into hospital at least 5 times, which has been very hard being separated from each other.

In June 2016 Amelia was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, which is one of the complications of A-T. I don’t remember the exact date but it was a Friday night after school and I was told to go to my Pop’s house.

When I got to my Pop’s house they sat me down and we had a discussion with Amelia and Mum on FaceTime. That night I was very worried because no one knew what was going on.

The following week the doctors found out that Amelia had a 14 centimetre wide tumour which was filled with fluid. I didn’t know much about cancer but I still broke down in tears because I knew it was dangerous.

That week I was very down and emotional because I didn’t get to see anyone in the family, I couldn’t help but cry in bed some nights.

It was a week before my birthday and I was begging Mum to come home for the weekend. They did, which restored my happiness. An hour before my party Mum explained that Amelia had gotten a lot worse. They had to leave straight after my party to go back to the Royal Children’s Hospital. I was devastated and it was in the back of my mind during the whole party.

Two days later doctors performed an operation to get the tumour out of Amelia. I was feeling very nervous that day about the operation, but looking forward to seeing Mum and Amelia later that week.  The operation was a success.

Now Amelia wakes up smiling, laughing and playing with her friends every single day. That to me is true inspiration.
