Local Champion Award recipient – Roslyn Ferres

Six adults holding framed award certificates smiling at the camera. Mornington Peninsula Shire Mayor is with them.

One of our remarkable volunteers, Ros Ferres, recently received the Australia Day, Local Champion Award for her long-term dedication and selfless commitment to helping others. This esteemed honour is well-deserved, as Ros has dedicated many years of her life to helping charities like Very Special Kids – supporting our services, since we first opened our doors in 1985.  

Ros shares, “I heard about Very Special Kids through Tattersalls, when I discovered the great work the organisation does, I wanted to help out in any way I could. I always try to fundraise by selling merchandise, knitting quilts and selling items at the stalls.” 

Roslyn, wearing a fun hat, serves children at the ticket booth at the Very Special Kids FairRos has also been a volunteer with the Girl Guides Association for more than 30 years and is involved with numerous community groups assisting in various roles. 

When asked what it is she loves about volunteering Ros shared, “it is nice to be able to help other people. One time while I was out fundraising with another volunteer, a lady asked me about Very Special Kids services. She had a family who was eligible and didn’t realise how much Very Special Kids could help her. Later that year, I saw her at one of the fairs. It was just beautiful to see her family getting the support that they didn’t realise was available to them.” 

While COVID-19 has posed challenges for her level of involvement as a volunteer, Ros has still dedicated her time to knitting quilts for families and fundraising where possible. A modest volunteer, Ros did not expect to receive the Mornington Peninsula Shire’s award.  

Two volunteers selling tickets for rides at the Very Special Kids Fair“I don’t need to be recognised. I just like to help. I have the time and I like to do it. I love volunteering for Very Special Kids, because everyone is treated equally, everyone is always included. It is just a really nice place to be”, she shares.  

“If you are considering volunteering with Very Special Kids, don’t think about it, just do it. A lot of people don’t realise that being a volunteer means a lot more than just supporting at the hospice.

There is plenty of ways you can get involved and make a difference. Local crafts, working at the fair, admin jobs – there is something for everyone and each role plays an important part in making sure families receive the care they need.”