Mums treated to R&R in regional Victoria

May was a month of rest and relaxation for mums living in regional Victoria who attended a Very Special Kids Pamper Day.

Women from Ballarat, Shepparton and Traralgon enjoyed massages and spa treatments, an excuse to focus on themselves, and a chance to meet other mums in a similar situation.

A highlight was the Ballarat Pamper Day held in nearby Daylesford at the Hepburn Springs and Peppers Mineral Springs Hotel.

Kathy Walters from Ballarat said that the Pamper Day allowed her some much needed “me time”.
“The whole day was fantastic and though our common thread is that of pretty terrible loss or the anticipation of it, we all seemed to have had a similarly relaxing and supported experience.

“The fact that the day was paid for was terrific, as I think most of us would have been unable to prioritise that amount of money on a day of indulgence that didn’t benefit the family,” she said.

Nicole O’Brien from Shepparton relished the chance to meet other mums.

“The surroundings and pamper sessions were lovely but the highlight for me was the opportunity to catch up with other mums on a similar journey,” she said.

Very Special Kids Family Support Worker Maria Bradford said the Pamper Days are about nurturing body, mind and soul.

“The mums are primary carers for their children and hardly have a break to regenerate, reenergise and reclaim their self-worth.

“The highlight for most was focussing on themselves, without children or the thought of being a carer even if only for a few hours,” she said.

The Pamper Days were made possible by the generous support of Hepburn Springs Spa, Bendigo Carers Support Services, UnitedWay, Federation Training and Shepparton TAFE.