Remembrance Day
May 16, 2019

By Fiona Kyprianou, a mother supported by Very Special Kids.
Remembrance Day for our family is time set aside for the memory of our son Leo.
It is a place where it is okay to let the tears flow freely amongst a warm and loving community who have supported us for the last 3 years. A community that have watched us go from a heartbroken family with empty arms, to holding a new cosy bundle last year, to chasing a busy toddler this year.
We enjoy the procession-like walk across the road to the garden, and take a breath of fresh air after the emotion of the service. The garden is a safe place where we can catch up with other families and our little one can play amidst the beautiful greenery.
So it was apt that this year we were able to create our own garden in memory of our children. The sunflower seeds planted into pots represent the love that we hold for them, and the nurturing of that love that continues, even now. We planted the remaining seeds in our front garden, and watched with awe as the delicate shoots pushed up out of the ground. With a little help from some tall stakes and plenty of snail pellets, the tiny seedlings grew into joyful, strong yellow sunflowers.
These flowers became a tangible reminder of our Leo, and allowed us to spend some quiet time with him as we watered them on those searingly hot summer days. The seeds are now drying so that they may be sown again next year, ready to brighten our garden once again.