Spencer’s special quilt
May 2, 2017
Eva and Stevan became involved with Very Special Kids in May, 2016, after receiving the devastating news that their 22 month old son Spencer had an inoperable brain tumour.
Spencer died at the Very Special Kids hospice in July, and one of the ways chosen by Eva and Stevan to remember and honour their little boy was to have a quilt made from his precious clothing and belongings.
“After losing Spencer to brain cancer all I want to do is hold onto precious memories of him” says Eva. “I’ve kept all of the clothes he wore often but they’re kept in the cupboard and I feel they get forgotten there.”
Spencer’s special quilt creation was facilitated by Very Special Kids and our wonderful relationship with the Bayside Quilters.
“Having a quilt made by Very Special Kids with some of my favourite clothes that Spencer wore means I can always have it lying around for me to see and to feel closer to him” says Eva.
“It reminds me of the times when Spencer was happy and healthy and even the times when I got to hold him. Very Special Kids arranged the quilt just in time for when Spencer’s little sister arrived so I can wrap it around her and in a way it feels like Spencer is giving her a hug.”