State government announces funding towards rebuild of Victoria’s only children’s hospice
December 1, 2020

We are delighted to announce that the state government will commit $7.5m towards the $22.5m needed to rebuild our new children’s hospice, which is set to commence in August 2021.
The funding commitment was announced in last week’s state budget.
In 2019, we received $7.5m from the federal government which was a fantastic start towards the overall $22.5m needed for the rebuild and long-term costs.
This now gives us the green light, and boost, to commence our biggest service improvement project ever.
Our Chief Executive Officer, Michael Wasley, said the organisation has spent more than three years researching what makes a world’s best children’s hospice.
“If the world was a fairer place, no child would be born with a life-limiting condition. The families and children we support are facing some of the greatest challenges in life, but they are strong, resilient and inspirational to us.”
“We thank the state government for its commitment and for ensuring Victoria’s most vulnerable families will have access to Australia’s most state-of-the-art hospice,” he said.
Demolition of the current hospice was rescheduled to August 2021 after COVID-19 caused a six-month delay. It will be completely rebuilt to ensure it continues to provide the best level of care well into the future.
The new facility is due to open in early 2023.
A special Capital Campaign committee was established to ensure we raise the ambitious target, chaired by Telstra CEO Andy Penn. Life Governors, Paula Fox AO and Connie Kimberley were appointed Patrons of the capital appeal committee. Former Federal Cabinet Minister the Hon. Kelly O’Dwyer, businessmen Glenn Carmody and Neville Azzopardi, Very Special Kids CEO, Michael Wasley, Board Chairman Peter Polson, and Patron, Sister Margaret Noone AM IVBM also serve on the committee.