Very Special Kids partners with National Palliative Care Week
May 16, 2019
Next week is National Palliative Care Week and Very Special Kids is proud to partner with Palliative Care Victoria to raise awareness on palliative care and embrace what matters most to people with a life-threatening condition and their families.
Each year, 120,000 Australians need palliative care; and yet so many of us lack the understanding of its true value.
Palliative care, in the most basic sense, is support provided to terminally ill patients and their families. But palliative care isn’t only about death, it’s about improving quality of life. It’s making sure that patients and families have their needs taken care of so that they can focus on what matters most.
Understanding what is to come can put life into perspective. With the proper emotional support, families can more easily accept their circumstances and focus on living each moment to the fullest.
When it comes to paediatric palliative care, when the death of a child is tragically untimely, palliative care gives families the chance to just be families. Very Special Kids understands just how valuable this breathing room is, and strives to give this opportunity whenever possible.
The impact of a life threatening condition is immeasurable and can have dramatic impact on the whole family. Alleviating the burden on the individual and their loved ones is one thing that can help. When care is taken to provide for physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual wellbeing, a difficult time may become a little more manageable.