Our quality & safety

We are committed to providing the highest quality of care to the children and families we support. We do this through:

Employing staff who are qualified and well trained to undertake all aspects of the care they deliver.

Measuring and evaluating the care we provide so that we know it is safe and effective.

Involving children and families in the planning of their care, and in the development and evaluation of services.

Looking for opportunities to improve the way we do things.

Listening and responding to feedback about our services.

Providing a physical environment that is appropriately equipped, comfortable and safe for families and staff.

Having documented processes and procedures to ensure we care for children and families in a consistent and appropriate way.

Ensuring that we achieve external accreditation against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.

Click here to read our Quality and Safety Statement.

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Your child's safety

Very Special Kids is a Child Safe Organisation. We are committed to ensuring the safety of all children in our care and have a zero tolerance for child abuse and discrimination.

We proactively take measures to protect all children from abuse, particularly those at higher risk including children with a disability, children from Aboriginal or Torres Strait backgrounds and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds.

We take all allegations and concerns seriously and will respond to them in accordance with our Child Safe Policy.

Managing your expectations

We promote the healthcare rights of people who access our services. Our Charter of Rights outlines what you can expect from us, and what we ask from you.

Provide your feedback

At Very Special Kids, we are committed to continuous improvement and greatly value your feedback. If you have a compliment, comment, complaint or general feedback, we’d love to hear from you. You can do this by visiting our feedback page.

If you have any questions or require further information you can also contact our team at or 1800 888 875.

Rights of the child

At Very Special Kids, we promote the rights of all children. We aim to empower children and young people to find their voice and have their needs met. We believe that all children have the right to quality of life, no matter how long or short that life may be. We do this in accordance with The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.